Reznor Waste Oil Burner Overhaul Service
Send Your Burner to Us and Get it Professionally Serviced!
A professionally serviced burner is a reliable burner! Take advantage of this cost-efficient option so your Reznor is in 100% before the heating season.
What We Will Do And What Is Included:
- The burner is completely overhauled, cleaned, and tested
- All oil passageways are 100% cleaned, from the oil pre-heater to the nozzle
- We include the following (consumable parts): Nozzle, pre-heater o-rings, oil strainer o-ring, burner gasket, rubber tubing, air filter, and oil filter
- We will replace parts that are worn or broken, and add the part cost only
- Complete alignment and reset for proper operation
- The cost for this service is $725 (+$35 s&h)
Ready To Move Forward? (the sooner we receive it, the sooner you will get it back!)
Here is how to Remove the Burner:
- Turn the power off to the unit
- Remove the thermostat wires from the primary control
- Pull the rubber hose from the air compressor
- Unscrew the flexible oil at the oil heater with 2, 9/16” wrenches
RA and RAD Models: Remove the wires from the numbered terminal strip from the burner junction box and mark the wires for re-installation
- Unscrew the 3 burner flange nuts with a 9/16'“ socket
RV Models: Unscrew the yellow quick connect plug, and remove the 2 wires that lead to the backflow sensor
- Unscrew the 2 burner door bolts with a 9/16'“ socket
Shipping Instructions:
- Tightly package the burner in box to avoid damage, insure with carrier (recommended) and include your company name and phone number
- Shipping address: Heating Alternatives Inc 115 Marine Street - Suite D Farmingdale, NY 11735
Now What?:
- When the burner overhaul is complete, we will call you for payment
- While we have your burner, please vacuum the ash from the chamber, heat exchanger tubes, and any existing horizontal chimney
Considering replacing your heater?
Please call us to discuss your options. We offer great furnaces and great prices!